Lunch Trance – 2022-05-04 – Top of the Week

Last night, when I was preparing the tracks for today’s show, I noticed that apparently I was generating the weekly charts from the charts of a single day… which does give you a kind of nice snapshot but was somehow not what I intended it to be! So I fixed the bug in the software that I have written especially to generate these charts and believe with absolute certainty that my code is now 100% bug-free. Guaranteed!

I do wonder how this is going to influence the charts in the future… my current assumption is that there will be less movement because actually calculating the charts over seven days instead of one acts like a lowpass filter and thus should smooth out any hectic motion. Normally we do have around 20 new entries, and the generated list for today gave me 15 new entries which is a bit more than I would expect. But we will totally have to wait and see how this all plays out. I’m looking forward to next week already!

Also, Tinlicker is still in, nothing changed about that. 😄

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, May 11th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2. I might play a Top of the Month show this weekend, stay tuned for more info!

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Lunch Trance – 2022-04-27 – Top of the Week

The cats are still in the process of getting used to one another, a process that we think might easily last months. Monty has gotten a bit more relaxed but still doesn’t like being approached by anybody. Feeding both cats almost next to each other is less of a problem now, only every now and then there’s a bit of hissing but mostly it has been peaceful over the last week.

I also played some music, can you believe it? Tinlicker’s oldest track is still on a yoyo course through the charts, bouncing back up to #17 from last week’s #29 while Tinlicker’s newest track (I think it was played last week?) hasn’t managed to make a reappearance this week. Let’s see what the future holds!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, May 4th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-04-20 – Top of the Week

And just like that we’re back to a regular number of new entries, or maybe even a little less… I don’t even know and at this moment I can’t be assed to actually check some statistics… so, I’m simply gonna claim that the 17 new entries we had is totally an average amount. Who’s gonna prove me wrong? You? I didn’t think so. 😀

In cat-related news: the new cat (dubbed “Monty”) has been given a territory in the living room and my study. So far he’s quite shy, he’s hissing if you get too close but he doesn’t seem to be overly frightened. He’s spending quite some time in a plush cave thingy we put up on the window sill, and he has a scratching post/wall-mounted bed combo that he also likes quite a lot, looking down on us, like cats usually do. Most encounters with our old cat were, let’s say, non-negative, and except for one occurrence tonight where both got a little louder they mostly just stare at each other when they’re both near the wire-mesh gate that we use to separate them.

It will stay exciting and I’m looking forward to spending more time with both cats!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, April 27th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-04-13 – Top of the Week

Wow, this week had a lot of new entries! Twenty-nine tracks displaced more than half of last week’s tracks, making this probably the least stale episode ever. 😀

In other news: we contacted some people last week who had a cat to give away and after a short visit the couple currently owning the cat decided to give him over to us. He will arrive on friday and my wife has already switched to cat heaven construction overdrive mode, painting, sawing, and building a couple of things that the cat will hopefully enjoy.

If all goes well I will have some pictures to show next week. 🤞

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, April 20th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-03-30 – Top of the Week

Last week of my two and a half week vacation and I’m already dreading the first day I have to work again… but that’s for next week’s me to worry about! Tonight’s me only had to worry about some small audio trouble in the beginning (for which I suspect a faulty cable is to blame, I will investigate) but the rest of the show was smooth sailing — until we arrived at #20 where a track we all had hoped to never see or hear again re-entered this week’s chart! Oh, the horror… 😱

The next show is on Friday, April 1st, at 🕚 11:00 CEST/UTC+2, and it’s going to be another Top of the Month, celebrating the best releases of March in one huge mix. I’m very much looking forward to the gems that made it into this chart but none of the weekly ones… 💎

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, April 6th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-03-23 – Top of the Week

The first week of my vacation is over but I don’t quite feel totally relaxed yet. Let’s see what next week brings!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, March 30th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2. I will probably play a Top of the Month show on Friday, April 1st, at 🕚 11:00 CEST/UTC+2 but that isn’t finally decided. Stay tuned for more information next week!

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Lunch Trance – 2022-03-16 – Top of the Week

The last week has been quite busy for me; I will be – starting tomorrow – on vacation until the end of the month and there were a lot of things to tidy up at work. Nevertheless the trance charts don’t stand still and so there were 24 new entries to present this week!

Due to my vacation the next show is going to be a Top of the Month show on this Friday, March 18th, 2022, 🕚 11:00 CET/UTC+1. The regular Top of the Week show will return next week, on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022, at 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-03-09 – Top of the Week

Remember last week when there was very little movement in the charts? Well, that was last week. This week half of the tracks have been kicked out and replaced by brand new tracks. Yes, 25 new entries this week!

And even at the top there was quite some movement. Two of the top 4 tracks were as far down as #30 last week, and last week’s #7 even dropped down to #36! And finally, Tinlicker used all the commotion to re-enter the Top 20 at #19. Sneaky! 😄

The next Top of the Week show is going to be next Wednesday, March 16th, 2022, 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-03-02 – Top of the Week

This week (well, last week, really) was a week of slow movement, so there were only five new entries but six re-entries. Crazy shit! And Tinlicker dropped from #24 to #25 which surely means that it’s going to leave us very soon, right? Right? 😄

The next Top of the Week show is going to be next Wednesday, March 9th, 2022, 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1.

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