Lunch Trance – 2024-04-24 – Newsflash

Last show of the first trimester of 2024! Time to make your plans for 2025!

Or maybe don’t, I don’t know, I’m not your mom! You do you, and I love you.

Even though Gabriel & Dresden had a track in my show this week, The Favourite of the Week™ for this week goes to the Alessandra Roncone remix of “Drifting Away” by Lange and Skye. Beautiful track!

This track and all the other tracks have all been locked into your computer (by me!), and if you want to let them out and enter your ear, you have to press the button below:

The next show will be on Wednesday, May 1, at 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2024-04-17 – Newsflash

We’re finally completely back to the regular program, one show per week, as The Cat™ wills it.

The Favourite of the Week™ for this week is Jordan Suckley’s “Warp Speed,” remixed by Liam Wilson and The Technicians.

The recording is available in the usual place. (“Right here” is the usual place.)

The next show will be on Wednesday, April 24, at 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2024-04-10 – Newsflash

Day 3 and last day of the post-Revision catch up marathon! We are now back up to speed with the calender! However, that also means that for the next show you actually have to wait another week again… 😄

So, you now have a bit of time to really get to know all the tracks I played in the last three days, and you should take special note of this week’s Favourite of the Week™: “Destination” by DT8, remixed by Super8 & Tab.

And you also have a bit of time to listen to this show (and the last two shows) until we meet again. I definitely recommend that you do!

The next show will be on Wednesday, April 17, at 19:00 CEST/UTC+2. Yes, that’s a whole week from now, you spoiled brat! (Also, last reminder about summer time!)

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Lunch Trance – 2024-04-09 – Newsflash

Day 2 of the post-Revision catch up marathon! These tracks should have originally been broadcasted last week but I was way too destroyed after the party and the journey home.

I am, however, on the mend, which is good, because tomorrow there’s going to be another show that will bring us back up to speed.

I also finished setting up all the stuff that I tore down for Revision, i.e. my microphone… just in case I would get another raid (like yesterday’s raid by Ruben de Ronde) but today was all quiet. And it even stay quiet after I finished my set because my planned raid into lug00ber’s Tea & Bass session failed due to technical issues on lug00ber’s side! 😢

Oh well, at least Ruben had a track that I could declare Favourite of the Week™: Cubicore’s Remix of “Lose Yourself” by Ruben and That Girl! 😄

So Mixcloud, very listen, such button!

The next show will — again — be tomorrow! Wednesday, April 10, at 19:00 CEST/UTC+2. (Casual reminder about summer time.)

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Lunch Trance – 2024-04-08 – Newsflash

So, yes, I did not play a show during the Revision build up. And I did not play a show the week after Revision because I was actually down with the Revision Flu™ (which I am still feeling even though I’m almost back on my feet again). Which means that this week’s Wednesday would have marked three weeks since the last show. And as I have no idea how to handle such a large gap I decided to catch up: one show today, one show tomorrow, and back to the regular programming on Wednesday!

As I had packed a couple of crucial parts of my setup for Revision, I needed to look for all of them in all the boxes that I packed, and at some point I ran out of time (because I was playing “Outer Worlds” 🤣) so I decided to skip on the microphone.

Turns out, that was a bad choice… because today (of all days!) I got a raid from none other than Ruben de Ronde which pushed my maximum viewer count to the staggering height of 62 viewers — which is the most I have had in quite some time. Thank you, Ruben! 💖

The Favourite of the Week™ was delivered by a couple of well-known names this week: “Deceiver” by Allen Watts & RAM.

You can listen to the set again at your earliest convenience:

The next show will be tomorrow! That’s right: Tuesday, April 9, at 19:00 CEST/UTC+2. Also, again the reminder that I am on summer time now so if you’re not, remember to adjust your alarm clocks accordingly.

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