It’s finally time to bring this year’s Lunch Trance shows to an end, and what could be more appropriate than an End of the Year show, with the 100 best tracks of the year? And yes, this includes Children—which made it to #9! 😄
It was great to hear many tracks again that I last played at the beginning of the year which, let’s be honest, is not that far ago and yet, many of the tracks felt like old acquaintances that I was happy to meet again…
So, without further ado, here’s the 100 best tracks from 2022:
The next and first show of 2023 will happen on Wednesday, January 4, at 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1.
The past week has been a cold one. On Monday last week the central heating in our building went out; on Tuesday we were notified that parts need to be ordered, and we were given electrical radiators. However, no warm water! 🥶
The new parts arrived on Monday, on Tuesday they were installed and the heating went on and then off again. The game repeated on Wednesday: heating and warm water for a while and then again: nothing. We’ll see what tomorrow brings!
The show itself today was a bit of a blur… I had the feeling that I didn’t really hear most of the tracks I played which makes me a bit sad… 😢
However, I am also looking forward to next week! There will not be a regular Top of the Week show next week, instead I will be playing an End of the Year show, bringing your hours, hours, and hours of the best tracks of the year! 🥳 In addition I will already start before noon (in my timezone) and will play until long after it’s dark outside, torturing my old body in the process but hopefully bringing joy to all of you.
Anyway, here’s this week’s episode:
So, as mentioned, the next show will happen on Wednesday, December 28, at 🕚 11:00 CET/UTC+1. It will probably be between 7 and 8 hours so you should have ample time to catch it during the day. The next regular Top of the Week will happen on January 4, 2023, 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1, just as usual.
This week’s show started very slow… it took almost half an hour for the first viewer to arrive! An eerie silence wafted through the chat…
Contrasting the silence in chat I noticed that there were quite a number of bangers in today’s show. While that is bound to happen every now and then for some reason today it was more noticeable for me, and I really liked that!
The next show will happen on Wednesday, December 21, at 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1. It may be the last (regular) show of the year, starting next week I’ll have four weeks off of work and I’m probably gonna use the time to slack around like mad!
So… the Windows MacBook… you know what, let’s just not talk about it. 🤦
Okay. So… last week! Oh yes, I was on vacation. My wife and I rented a small house at the Baltic Sea (like, literally 150 meters from the beach) and spent a couple of days doing pretty much… nothing, and a lot of it. It was great! We lay around on the couch, watched some TV, ordered pizza, did a bit of shopping, ate more snacks, fed about a thousand birds (like sparrows, magpies, and blue tits) on the terrace (there was a never-ending stream of them, it was great to watch), played some games, did more nothing, it was amazing. I’m already looking forward to the next vacation!
I couldn’t be bothered to take any DJing or streaming equipment so you had to take your Wednesday night into your own hands but I’m sure you’ve managed! However, this meant that this week I had a little bit of a backlog so I changed the program slightly to match my needs: today (with one or two exceptions) I only played tracks that were new entries, either in this week or in the last week. All to make sure you don’t miss any great tracks!
Next week I will returned to the regularly scheduled program, and that will happen on Wednesday, December 14, at 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1.