End of the Hiatus

Huh, I never really talked on this blog about what happened and why I stopped doing shows… I guess I should really do that, and probably should have done that back in February already. Shame on me!

So, what happened? Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances (macOS upgrades, firmware upgrades, more upgrades, other upgrades) the SSD in my DJ MacBook died. The original SSD was way too small to contain all the music I had collected over the decades so restoring from backup wasn’t happening. Getting a replacement SSD for that particular MacBook was out of the question as well because the SSDs in those MacBooks are not standard SSDs. My other MacBook also didn’t have enough storage so it couldn’t be of any help, either. Sheeit.

After restoring basic functionality by putting in the original SSD I was able to put enough music on it to play the show in March. At the time I had already decided that I wanted to get the Denon DJ Prime 4 🤩 but held off on the purchase due to my then-suboptimal financial circumstances, what with being unemployed and all.

The weeks went by, turned to months, I found a new job, and at the end of August I felt financially secure enough to pull the trigger on the Prime 4. It was supposed to be delivered within 2–5 days which turned into 8 weeks at some point and then went down again and up and it was just like a rollercoaster, only I got sadder riding it every day. 😥

But, as they say, all good things must come to an end and so, last week I finally could hold it in my hands and it is huge, it is beautiful, and the outer of the three boxes it came in immediately drew blood🩸. According to my magic 🧙 studies this means it will last forever?

Anyway, I recently checked the software side of the whole situation, i.e. the streaming side, and I only had to reinstall one driver and recreate one configuration, all the rest still seems to be working! Of course, not using Traktor anymore means that I will for now lose the ability to show track titles on the stream automatically but that only means that I will have to enter them manually, like in ancient times. I am working on a solution for that, though: the Denon players expose a lot of information about what the DJ is doing but of course it is using a proprietary protocol named StagelinQ which will require a lot of digging and trial-and-error to figure out. The future might be bright!

In order to get back on track (because I really, really like doing the weekly chart shows) I think I will start slowly, doing maybe one show every weekend. The first shows I will be doing will be Top of the Month shows (starting with February 2021) so you can catch up with all the great tracks released in the last ten months and once we are all caught up (which might be in next February, I guess) I will switch to doing my weekly chart shows again.

Or maybe I’ll do both a show during the week and one on the weekend? I am not sure yet… it may very well be that once I start doing shows again I won’t settle for anything less than ALL THE SHOWS EVERY DAY but I have picked up a couple of other regular appointments during the week which I do not want to give up at this time. 🙂

Anyway. This saturday, November 6, 2021, starting at 11:00 CET/UTC+1 (for old times’ sake) I will be streaming the charts from February 2021, in the same place where it always happened, on my channel on Twitch. I expect you all to be there! 🥳🎉

Lunch Trance – 2021-01-10 – Top of the Month

So, funny thing, I did play the Top of the Month show on sunday night but something (I’m looking at you, Traktor) seems to have fucked up the recording, there’s a file missing. 😥 So, unless you were one the five persons watching the set live you will never hear it. Which is a pity because it was great.

Anyway, there will be a next Top of the Month next month and it will be using the same format, i.e. a selection of the Top 100 of January 2021 but not played as countdown to the first place but in a real mix. I’m looking forward to it!

Lunch Trance – 2021-01-08 – Top of the Month – ABORTED & DELAYED

So, there I was, two hours into playing my new Top of the Month show when my DJing machine suddenly decided to lock up which makes playing on a bit… harder than usual. I didn’t really have a choice but to abort, so with a heavy heart I did. Raiding Liquid Bongo was still possible from another machine, luckily. Thank you, Panda, for being there! 🙂

Anyway, I want to do this again but I have to check with the authorities if I can get a sunday slot, otherwise it will have to wait until next friday. Stay tuned!

Frohe Kunde!

Mit Riesenschritten naht erneut die CeBIT, und selbstverständlich lässt sich Viprinet erneut nicht nehmen, Besucher und geladene Gäste am vorletzten Tag der CeBIT (dieses Mal ein Donnerstag!) nach alle Regeln der Kunst (und Strich und Faden) zu verwöhnen. Mit von der Party ist dieses Jahr Kollege Nico Erfurth, seines Zeichens selbst Viprinet-Mitarbeiter. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt!

Für alle, die den verkorksten und abgebrochenen Versuch eines Sets auf der letztjährigen tUM mitbekommen haben: Fürchtet euch nicht, ein Softwareupdate hat anscheinend sämtliche Probleme behoben, und mein Rechner und das S4 werden euch zu Diensten sein!

danCE (a) BIT

Auch in 2013 darf der Tanzwart natürlich nicht auf der besten Standparty der ganzen CeBIT fehlen, und auch in 2013 wird die beste Standparty der CeBIT von Viprinet veranstaltet. Das ganze findet wie gewohnt am Freitag während der CeBIT statt, das ist dieses Jahr der 8. März, und zwar in Halle 13, Stand D27.

Weitere Informationen, z. B. wo genau die Party sein wird, und wer mit mir zusammen gegen Langeweile im Ohr ankämpfen wird, werden sobald wie möglich bekannt gegeben.

Volltanzen auf der CeBIT

Alle Jahre wieder findet in Hannover die CeBIT statt, und alle Jahre wieder hat auch Viprinet dort einen Stand, auf dem — alle Jahre wieder — die fetteste Standparty seit der Bündelung von UMTS- und DSL-Verbindungen steigt. Mit dabei sind Ronny Pries und natürlich euer allerliebster Tanzwart!
Solltet ihr also am Freitag, den 9. März, zufällig auf der CeBIT sein, lasst euch einfach in Halle 13 einschließen und begebt euch umgehend zu Stand D27, damit ihr am Ende eines hektischen Tages in alle Ruhe volltanzen könnt.

Die Zukunft ist heute

2012 ist nicht mehr lange hin, aber 2011 ist gut genug, um von dem alten Flash-only Audio-Player hier auf der Seite zu einem modernen HTML5-basierten Audio-Player zu wechseln.

Es ist unglaublich: Vor über 40 Jahren war die Menschheit auf dem Mond, aber bis heute gibt es kein einziges Audio-Format, welches von allen Browsern auf allen Plattformen anstandslos nativ abgespielt werden kann. Ich habe versucht, die größtmögliche Kompatibilität zu finden; wenn also irgendjemand einen Browser hat, in dem die Player nicht funktionieren, bitte Bescheid geben!