Lunch Trance – 2022-06-29 – Top of the Week

I think the weirdest thing about today was that there was a live transmission of some hip hop/electro/rap talent contest between Hamburg’s schools in the park right behind our house so there was a lot of music coming over from there and right now I think there’s Tobi Tobsen (of “Der Tobi & das Bo” and Moonbootica fame) playing some really dope tunes, with lots of bass! 🎶

Tinlicker climbing back up to #12 (⁉️) is not really that weird, at this point it’s more depressing than anything else. It’s been in these charts for 91 weeks, when will it ever be enough?

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, July 6, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-06-22 – Top of the Week

Okay, so I guess my show is now four hours long, every week. Could be worse, I guess… 😄

What was worse: a track that I (and others!) had considered finally being lost beyond the Top 50 (and rightfully so, in our very humble opinion) has suddenly made a reappearance, to everybody’s dismay. The charts are really quite mysterious, even when you ignore apparently permanent residents like Tinlicker…

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, June 29, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-06-15 – Top of the Week

Hmm, this is starting to become a thing, apparently: this week’s show was also 3h 54m. Where does the extra music come from? Do people finally realize that “Extended Mixes” with a length of 2:58 are bullshit? 😂 One can only hope!

Apart from that today’s show was quite uneventful. My wife joined me a bit (off-camera) and we talked a bit about how our days were and random other stuff (off-mic). And after the set I raided over to @swearyprincess who is still kicking it large as I’m typing this. Give her a follow, that’s an order!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, June 22, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-06-08 – Top of the Week

The most unusual about this week’s show was its length: 3h 55m. That’s 10 minutes more than normal! One reason for that is that I don’t remember a single track that was shorter than 5 minutes which is awesome. I like my trance long!

A great thing that happened was the raid by @funwithJapi, a Finnish streamer. They brought more than 20 people with them but unfortunately most of them didn’t stay very long. Didn’t stop me, though! 😄

Also unstoppable: motherfricking Tinlicker! After last week’s drop to #35 they were back up at #18 this week, much to @untermnsch’s chagrin. As soon as they will reach their 100th week they will probably break my spreadsheet… 🤣

I will play another Top of the Month show on next Friday, in two days, June 10th, at 🕚 CEST/UTC+2. Don’t miss that!

And if you did miss it, the next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, June 15th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-05-25 – Top of the Week

I rewrote my chart generator tool and the code is now leaner, better to understand, and faster than before.

Great Success! - Borat - quickmeme
Borat agrees: Great success!

It also generates charts that are identical to last week’s charts… which left me puzzling for a bit until I realized what’s wrong and that the previous version of the code probably didn’t have an actual error. The three missing tracks were caused by a change in the algorithm, yes; however, the tool only ever uses a single algorithm for all charts it calculates, including the ones it uses to determine whether a track is a new entry. And because I have changed that algorithm before last week’s show, it didn’t tell me about the missing tracks because according to the new algorithm those tracks were already part of the week before!

Okay, mystery solved, code better than before, I guess that is a great success! 😄

I initially started messing around with the code because I wanted to know how Tinlicker is still in the charts and basically the answer is “because the track never really drops below place 31.” Well, if you’re consistently in the top third of a daily Top 100 you have kind of earned the right to be in a weekly Top 50. 🙂

Because there is a bank holiday tomorrow I have taken Friday off, and I will be playing a Top of the Month show! It will start at the usual time of 🕚 11:00 UTC+2/CEST to accompany you during lunch and maybe the last hours of your work week (in case you didn’t take the Friday off or don’t actually have this holiday).

The next Top of the Week show will then be on next Wednesday, June 1st, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-05-18 – Top of the Week

This week was a wild ride. First one of the best tracks of the last weeks was suddenly at #45 or something like that (Plumb’s “Same Sky Same Stars,” if you must know) and then I discovered that I was missing not one, not two, but three tracks! Tracks that my tool should have told me to download but didn’t. And the charts themselves are looking rather weird again so I probably broke something when I added some functionality that lets me evaluate a track’s movement through the charts over time. So I guess I need to spend more time debugging that mess!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, May 25th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-05-11 – Top of the Week

Okay, the second week with the new algorithm behaves a bit like I predicted, there were only six new entries. I’m very interested to see what amount of new tracks per week it will stabilize on and also if reducing the number of new entries makes the show less interesting because most of the tracks are already known? I have no idea, I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

In more important news, The New Cat™ is slowly, very slowly warming up to us three. Most of the time he still starts to run off as soon as there’s hectic movement but being allowed to pet him for a second or three is starting to look like a possibility! He’s also still quite wary of our other cat but at least during food time the proximity between the two can be reduced to almost zero… at least as long as they’re eating and nobody tries to eat the other one’s food. 😁

Also, Tinlicker dropped down to #46! Is that the lowest position that song ever had in these charts? Quite possible!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, May 18th, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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