It has really been a while since I played the last Top of the Month show and I have kind of forgotten how much fun they are… so I hope that in future I will be able to persuade myself to do one each month albeit probably not on a Friday again but during the weekend.
And I managed to play all of the Top 99 tracks of January! Conveniently the only track of the Top 100 that I don’t like at all and thus didn’t play was actually #100 of January’s charts so no big loss there. 😁
And then I got raided by nobody else than mayor himself, and he brought along nobody else than Martin Drake! Thank you two very much for dropping by! ❤️
The next show is going to be a Top of the Week show on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022, at 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1. The next Top of the Month in going to be in March (obviously, duh) but I have no clue yet as to a specific date. Just keep watching this space, or show up during the Top of the Week shows because I will most definitely mention it there!
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