Lunch Trance – 2022-02-18 – Top of the Month

It has really been a while since I played the last Top of the Month show and I have kind of forgotten how much fun they are… so I hope that in future I will be able to persuade myself to do one each month albeit probably not on a Friday again but during the weekend.

And I managed to play all of the Top 99 tracks of January! Conveniently the only track of the Top 100 that I don’t like at all and thus didn’t play was actually #100 of January’s charts so no big loss there. 😁

And then I got raided by nobody else than mayor himself, and he brought along nobody else than Martin Drake! Thank you two very much for dropping by! ❤️

The next show is going to be a Top of the Week show on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022, at 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1. The next Top of the Month in going to be in March (obviously, duh) but I have no clue yet as to a specific date. Just keep watching this space, or show up during the Top of the Week shows because I will most definitely mention it there!

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Lunch Trance – 2022-02-16 – Top of the Week

Another great episode of Top of the Week, many new tracks but it started off with some technical problems as some part of the audio chain running on Windows decided to not properly do its job and instead deliver a horrible experience for my listeners. After two kicks against various shins the show could then finally proceed… so if you had to suffer through multiple stream restarts and bad audio you should definitely listen to the while thing in pristine quality again:

Now, I have a day off on Friday because I need to do some stuff early in the morning but I thought that after that I could play the first Top of the Month show of this year… I’m really looking forward to that, it’s been quite a while since I played one of these and for various reasons I do enjoy them differently than the weekly shows. I have no idea whether I will be able to play further shows on Fridays or whether I will need to use the weekend though with no demoparties to go to I could probably take off one day each month… 😄

So, the next show is a Top of the Month and it’s on Friday, February 18th, 2022, 🕚 11:00 CET/UTC+1 (not a typo, 11 in the morning, where do you think the name “lunch trance” comes from?). The next Top of the Week show is going to be next Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022, 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1, as per usual.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-01-12 – Top of the Week

The year 2022 has finally started in this show, and after last week’s episode which saw very little activity (with only two (2) new entries) we have a huge bunch of new entries this week: more than half of the tracks are new entries! I think this is a first. 🙂

Next show is going to be next Wednesday, January 19th, 2022, 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-01-05 – Top of the Week

Even though we are already in the new year (happy new year, everyone!) this episode is still about 2021 – the last week of 2021, to be precise, as that is the week these charts have been created from.

And I’m sure you’re all just burning to know what happened to Tinlicker’s version of Robert Miles’s “Children” this week and… well… it climbed another five places and is now firmly lodged in at #15!

Next show is going to be next Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1.

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