Lunch Trance – 2022-08-24 – Top of the Week

Today the weather was slightly more appropriate for streaming so this week the video encoder had to work again after all. And it did so quite admirably and without any faults. I’m proud of you, video encoder! ❤️

Otherwise today was a fresh show, the oldest track has been with us for a mere seven weeks, and the second-oldest only four weeks. I’d say that is quite an improvement!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, August 31, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-08-10 – Top of the Week

After last week’s unexpected break I was very much looking forward to this week’s show because The Algorithm™ began to be applied to other tracks as well! The current remix of Above & Beyond’s “Can’t Sleep” has been with us for 10 weeks now which is more than 60 days so we can expect to see it heading out of the charts, every week a bit more. Exciting! And fresh!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, August 17, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-07-27 – Top of the Week

Changes have been made!

Well, one change only, really, but an important one: the scoring algorithm of the tool I use to create the playlist for my shows. For every day, every tracks get a certain amount of points depending on its placement, and for the final charts all those points are added up and the top 100 tracks are chosen. At least that’s what The Algorithm™ has done before this week, and it didn’t really change much but in a very significant way… because now time (or rather, time in chart) is also being considered! So if a track has been in the charts for quite a long time (and I think we all know which one I’m talking about) its daily score is now reduced by quite the amount and I must say I am happy with the results. All the other tracks around that one track are completely unchanged, only that one track has disappeared. Perfect!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, August 3, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-07-20 – Top of the Week

Holy moly, I did not forget to record this week’s show! 🎉

I will have to do something about old tracks popping back up, though… not only did Tinlicker climb again (because it’s still in the Top 15 – almost 100 weeks after the release! Madness!) but no, Ben Nicky also made an appearance again and that will not stand. So I will develop something that will weaken the impact of tracks that have in the charts more often than other tracks and I hope I’ll have it ready by next week.

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, July 27, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-06-29 – Top of the Week

I think the weirdest thing about today was that there was a live transmission of some hip hop/electro/rap talent contest between Hamburg’s schools in the park right behind our house so there was a lot of music coming over from there and right now I think there’s Tobi Tobsen (of “Der Tobi & das Bo” and Moonbootica fame) playing some really dope tunes, with lots of bass! 🎶

Tinlicker climbing back up to #12 (⁉️) is not really that weird, at this point it’s more depressing than anything else. It’s been in these charts for 91 weeks, when will it ever be enough?

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, July 6, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-06-22 – Top of the Week

Okay, so I guess my show is now four hours long, every week. Could be worse, I guess… 😄

What was worse: a track that I (and others!) had considered finally being lost beyond the Top 50 (and rightfully so, in our very humble opinion) has suddenly made a reappearance, to everybody’s dismay. The charts are really quite mysterious, even when you ignore apparently permanent residents like Tinlicker…

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, June 29, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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Lunch Trance – 2022-06-15 – Top of the Week

Hmm, this is starting to become a thing, apparently: this week’s show was also 3h 54m. Where does the extra music come from? Do people finally realize that “Extended Mixes” with a length of 2:58 are bullshit? 😂 One can only hope!

Apart from that today’s show was quite uneventful. My wife joined me a bit (off-camera) and we talked a bit about how our days were and random other stuff (off-mic). And after the set I raided over to @swearyprincess who is still kicking it large as I’m typing this. Give her a follow, that’s an order!

The next Top of the Week show will be on next Wednesday, June 22, at 🕖 19:00 CEST/UTC+2.

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