Lunch Trance – 2021-12-15 – Top of the Week

Last week Tinlicker’s version of Robert Miles’s “Children” had dropped down to #45 and many of you (and me!) thought that that would have been the last of it. It would have had a great run, too, with 60 (!) weeks in this chart show, more than any other track ever (in my chart show)! So it gave me great pleasure to be able to play it again today, and at #22 no less! Over the past year the track has really grown on me so I am quite happy that I can keep playing it week after week. 😁

Next week there’s going to be another Top of the Week (the 22nd is a very normal Wednesday, after all) but I’m not yet quite sure what I’m gonna do for my birthday on Saturday… I’m currently leaning towards just playing EVE Online all day long but maybe I’ll do a surprise show? Well, how much of a surprise would it be if I told you about it beforehand? Not much, I guess…

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Lunch Trance – 2021-12-08 – Top of the Week

Another great show with the latest and the greatest tracks from last week’s charts!

I will play another Top of the Month on Saturday, December 11, starting again at 🕚 11:00 CET/UTC+1 in the usual place, and next week, on Saturday, December 18, it’s once again my birthday so I’ll probably spend that streaming, too. Looking forward to it!

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Lunch Trance – 2021-12-04 – Top of the Month

Another 100-track, 7-and-a-half-hours set. These are still exhausting but incredible fun to play! I had two raids today, within 30 seconds, one by DancefloorGladiatorz and one by liquid_bongo. Thank you both very much!

The next show is going to be another Top of the Week, on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 19:00 CET/UTC+1. See you then!

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Lunch Trance – 2021-11-24 – Top of the Week

I’m slowly starting to get back into the rhythm and I’m quite happy about that.

It’s been a couple of weeks now and so far nobody wanted to redeem the “Unboxing” reward thingy on Twitch. I’m thinking nobody has actually noticed it yet because how you could not want to redeem that? It’s going to be so awesome!

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Lunch Trance – 2021-11-20 – Top of the Month

I did it! I managed to play all 100 tracks of April’s charts without dying! 🎉

I had a lovely manual raid by @LSOinferno (apparently sent to me by @swearyprincess 🥰), and later on @liquid_bongo dropped off his listeners at me. Thank you both very much!

The next show is going to be another weekly charts show on Wednesday, November 24, at 🕖 19:00 CET/UTC+1. On next Saturday there is not going to be a show because I’ll be out of town, visiting family.

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Lunch Trance – 2021-11-17 – Top of the Week

Well, what can I say, even playing only three and a half hours still makes everything hurt but at least I can go to bed now because it’s already late. 😀

The most noteworthy thing about this show is that Tinlicker’s remix of “Children” is still in the top 50. After one year. No other track has even come closer to that level of persistence. Well done, Tinlicker!

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Lunch Trance – 2021-11-13 – Top of the Month

I played a bit less than last week but everything still hurts. I really need to get more practice!

And I will be getting more practice by starting up my weekly chart show again! On wednesday, November 17, starting at 19:00 CET/UTC+1, I will play the charts of the week! That show will definitely be shorter than my weekend shows so maybe I will not be as dead afterwards, I hope. 😀

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